Thursday, April 1, 2010


So, I feel the need to rant about Target big time.  Usually I love Target and support going there.  Lately, however, service has greatly deteriorated at Madison's Targets.  For example, a last week I was at the Target on Junction Rd and had a few coupons to use.  The cashier got confused, threw them all in her drawer after only scanning 3 and said that she has no way of knowing which coupons were mine, so she couldn't take off any more.  Frustrating!  I would have liked to have had my coupons back to purchase the items at a different store, then! 
Anyway, on to today.  I had a few returns to do.  I generally let them build up because it is extremely frustrating to stand in line at guest service with three kiddos, waiting for the 2-3 cashiers to finish their conversation before they are ready to acknowledge my presence.  No exception here, except that there were 4 cashiers talking and making me wait before helping me. (This was at the Super Target in Fitchburg.)  The cashier was annoyed by the 4 returns I had.  Really?  I purchased way more than I returned... Okay, focus.  So on one of the receipts, I was returning both of the items I had bought.  I had hoped to get a price match, but to no avail.  I had used 2 coupons on this purchase.  The cashier reduced the price to account for the coupons (not exactly Target policy, but whatever) but reduced them to the point that I got less back than I had originally paid.  I didn't notice this until arriving home.  So Target made out well on that transaction.  Or maybe that is their new way to get money...
Then, I was unable to get the items on my list, because their ad was wrong.  At least it was signed, so I knew before going up to the register.  Still, though.  If I had known, I wouldn't have even bothered going there today in the first place.  
Three cranky kids and one very disappointed mamma later and I am swearing off Target for a while.... or at least until the diapers run out.

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