Wednesday, September 29, 2010

You just had to bite the apple, didn't you?

The power of the mind never ceases to amaze me.  The ability to remember minute details about some events and to block others out almost completely is astounding.  For instance, I can remember what we were doing when I went into labor with each child.  I remember what my husband was doing, I remember what happened immediately after the birth, but the pain has been blocked.  For some reason, I always walk into it blindly.  
Don't get me wrong - I know it will hurt.  I remember pain, but the intensity is totally lost on me.  Selective memory?  Memory block? Whatever it is, it's required for the human race to survive. Otherwise, women would only have one child and would probably work to convince their friends not to go through it.
Now, each woman's pain tolerance is totally different and their are many pain management options out there for those who choose to go down that path.  I, however, tend to develop this warrior attitude that demands that I push through without.  Why? I honestly don't know.  Perhaps I need to channel this attitude toward something non birth related - like the iron man. Actually, I'm not sure all iron men could make it through birth without pain meds.  Some definitely, but not all.  Birth is intense.
This time (final by the way), I found myself thinking of the comedy of it all.  This was my first induction and the relative calm that preceded the total hell of active labor and delivery was, well, comical.  We watched CSI episodes and munched on popcorn in between contractions.  Seriously.  Oh, and the biggest loser - last week's episode as I had been hopeful to be in active labor during the real show and didn't want to miss some of it.  As it turns out, I totally could have watched.  This lulled me into thinking that it really wasn't going to be a big deal.  I could totally handle it.  I am woman - hear me roar.
Then my mind wandered to the portrayals of births on television  and in movies.  The woman is either totally blissed out and unaware on medicine (those videos scare me) or is screaming at their husbands - something along the lines of "you did this to me!"  I experienced neither of these reactions.  In fact, my reaction this time around caught me by surprise.  Amidst my praying for a quick, healthy delivery and the strength to get through it all, I found myself thinking "you just had to bite the damn apple, didn't you, Eve?"  
Seriously, what would labor have been like if she didn't?  Can you imagine a labor without pain? All I can say is that it had better have been one hell of a juicy apple - honey crisp maybe? - to make this all worthwhile.  Personally, I would have an easier time forgiving her if it had been chocolate.


  1. I had both my kids with no meds other than a ibuprofen after (and that was at the insistence of the my nurse). With my son, the surreal parts were in between contractions/pushing. It was comically quiet. Doctor's hands folded. All of us kind of sitting there, mostly avoiding eye contact, It was like strangers at a party when they're changing the music. What do you say? My daughter was quick (like the actual painful pain was 15-30minutes) and free of awkward silences. I'm thankful for this small blessing. :) Congrats, Alicia!

  2. Maybe it was a Pink Lady apple.
