Thursday, June 24, 2010

take it or leave it

This is me - take it or leave it.  Funny how accurate this portrayal seems!

Friday, June 18, 2010

a few Sentry hot deals

okay, it's been a while since my last deal/coupon post. to be honest, there just haven't been good deals.  this week is a decent week again for sentry, so here goes:
Nut clusters 50 cents after coupon (go to, for coupons
Pillsbury sweet moments (freezer dessert) 50 cents after coupon - go to and sign up for their coupons
you can also get a 75 cents off coupon for goldfish crackers at  i don't know the price at sentry yet, but they are on sale for $1 at Cub foods, making them 25 cents!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recipe disaster er... review

A few months ago I stumbled upon The Kind Diet and was intrigued by the philosophy of eating and the recipes.  I have only made a few, but have enjoyed them until this weekend.  After a long day of working on the house and feeling drained, I decided to try the peanut butter cup recipe from the book.  They smelled delicious, looked delicious, tasted... um... not so delicious?
My daughter tried them first and promptly threw out the recipe saying that I did not need to keep this one. My husband tried it and stopped after one mouthful (I think he was sorely tempted to spit it out!) and declared that this reminded him of the time chocolate was banned from his family and "carob is not and will never be chocolate."  My three year old was asleep, which left my little guy to be my last tester.  
I love this little guy.  He tried it, made a few spitting sounds and strange faces and declared "it's yummy mommy.  it's yummy!"  He and I were the only ones to finish our cups (and I have to admit that I was not a fan myself.  The peanut butter part was decent, but the carob topping was dreadful.)  He then proceeded to have what my husband calls "an allergic reaction" to them.  He giggled uncontrollably, bounced around the house and hung upside down off the chair.  Now, knowing that there was not a lot of sugar in these babies, I can't say that this was due to a sugar rush.  And who ever heard of a carob rush?  No, this was simply Ben being Ben.  A shame though, if these peanut butter cups really did prompt this reaction, I might have a reason to save the recipe.  As it is though, this was definitely not a keeper. 

Is this Karma because I already said I was sorry!

Wow.  I've often heard the adage that a parent's true revenge comes when their child has a child.  Yikes.  It's true.  My seven year old has been in some sort of funk, mood, stage that seems to get better only to yell "Gotcha!" and attack with more force than before.
Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter and know that this too shall pass and there may even be a time when I will mourn it's passing.  Right now though,  I'm totally feeling the "what goes around comes around" saying.
I was a difficult child.  A strong-willed child - if you like.  My husband has been branded with similar descriptions.  My daughter has combined the attribute from me with that from her father, making her "iron-willed."  Throw in the female component and you have quite a contender.  We've witnessed broadway quality crying episodes, heard the dreaded "you're the worst ____ in the world and I hate you", have had doors slammed, etc.  Somehow, this was much easier to handle than the lying that has cropped up as of late.
She has developed a pretty incredible ability to lie.  Seriously, we have no idea it is happening at the time.  Sometimes, she is so good that she even fools herself into believing.   She's also becoming quite skilled at rewording when caught. "what i really meant was..."
In any case, it has caused me to pause and recall my own childhood.  I was quite the drama queen at times growing up and was generally wordy as well.  Though I don't explicitly remember the lying, it is possible that over the years I have convinced myself of whatever "truths" I had proclaimed.  In the end, however, I think I turned out rather well-balanced with a healthy imagination.
And so to those parents who have admonished our parenting skills - or lack thereof- for having raised a stubborn, lying child, I say "Bah! Try taking your worst attribute, magnify it in a emotional seven year old and then come talk to me."
We have not raised her to believe that tantrums and lying are permissible, though neither did my parents raise me in that manner.  Does this mean it's genetic?  Perhaps it would be better to say that my own version of Karma is manifesting itself in our life right now.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Justification is a sweet thing

I receive the paper on Wed, Sat and Sun, and generally only browse it.  The State Journal is not exactly known for amazing reporting.  I enjoy the crossword and sudoku puzzles, the coupons and ads.  Oh, and I occasionally glance at my horoscope.  Today is a 6, by the way.
Today's top headline grabbed my attention: Schools get progress report.  As a homeschooler, one of my fears is that I will not be teaching my children enough.  Even though my daughter is testing above her grade level, that nagging thought remains in the back of my mind.  Somehow reading that 89 Wisconsin schools - including 6 in Madison - failed again to reach the national standards set by the No child left behind act, is reassuring, even justifying.
Even if I fail to teach my daughter to her potential, she will likely be receiving a higher education that she would if she were in a public school (and yes, the schools in our neighborhood were listed).  Of course, there are those who would argue that having her in school would benefit the school by raising the test level slightly.  However, I choose to be selfish and put her education above the school's ratings.  Sorry, she'll not be attending your school next year.  And yes, you will have to keep increasing your standards in order to get off the naughty list.  Good luck!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

my mouth is watering!

Yes!  One of my favorite things to do in the summer starts tomorrow!!!  If you haven't been strawberry picking with your kids, you are in for a very sticky, messy treat.  I love Carandale farms and their pick your own strawberries start on June 7th.  They charge $1.50 a pound (which is a total bargain when you consider the amazing taste, the experience, and how many berries your children will eat while picking... and last year the kids got containers to fill for free as well!!!)  This is not to be missed.  Check their website for more info (under the daily update) for the times they are open for picking.  Then go and enjoy.  Last year we were spoiled by the flavor and the store bought strawberries just didn't measure up anymore.  I plan lots of trips and lots of red stained clothes and smiles.
I love summer!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fever and Favorites

I've caught the fitness fever.  Even as my body grows to accomodate this little one... and the number on the scale continues to panic me... I find myself drawn to fitness.  That said, I have only been to the gym once for myself during the past few months and have not been pushing myself the way I normally do.  I have become  more interested in the overall fitness of my students.
I recently added two circuit training classes to my weekly schedule and am astounded at how out of shape some of the students who have been with me for over a year are!  I felt bored after my last circuit class and worried that I didn't push them hard enough, but they were not keeping up.  It's funny when the pregnant instructor is able to do more burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, you name it than the 20-somethings who have never put their body through pregnancy!  I also have older women for whom plyometrics is difficult and hard on the joints.   This leads me to my latest fever.
As one of the clubs is poorly equipped for the workouts I do, I have started purchasing my own equipment to bring along.  I am amazed at how addicting this is!
I started out by purchasing gliders, which I will introduce to my class on Monday!  These are a great way to workout without putting pressure on the joints.  I have not had a chance to watch the dvds that come with the set, but look forward to using them for planks and mountain climbers for starters.  I am also curious about using them for a modified burpee, but that requires a fair amount of ab strength, so it will be a while before my classes are ready.  (By the way, the kids love these!  Char immediately took on the role of mini fitness instructor and had the boys racing across our rug as dinosaurs or skating to get away from thing, etc.  They got a pretty good workout without any prompting or coaching from me!)
I have also been looking at versa-loops (or thera bands).  These are amazing little pieces of rubber that allow you to work intensely without putting strain on joints again.  I was introduced to these in physical therapy and have since seen them at a few clubs around town.  I love using these to work the hips/glutes, legs in skater squats and side squats and bridges.  I am hoping to have these by next month for my class as they are awesome!  I have one set of my own that I will be utilizing in class, but look forward to having more.
It's a bit of a stretch (hahaha) but I would love to have 3-4 of these Eva rollers and half rollers as well.  If you have never used a roller, you are in for a real treat!  They are the best pain torture around... I mean, they are a great tool for releasing tension in your muscles.  This was another physical therapy introduction... and one that I loathed in the beginning.  Since then, I have learned to use them for exercises as well as stretches.  They are great!!!!  The half rollers are easy to incorporate into standing exercises and force you to use your abs.  I remember falling off of them constantly the first time I used them!  These are a bit pricey, so I may not be able to afford them for this summer, but after the baby is born and I start personal training, these will be a must!
I also desperately want an agility ladder.  I know that I don't "need" one, but it helps in circuit training as it provides a goal.  I remember the first time I had to push-up my way around one and thought I was going to die.  After doing it I felt great!  I would definitely use it for pushups as well as running/agility drills.  Oh the fun I could have!
My final must have is the Omron body fat analyzer.  I love this tool!!!  I may have to splurge this summer to buy it, though I don't anticipate using it much until after baby is born.  It's a must for personal trainers, in my mind, as it gives a more accurate view of what is going on in the body than the scale does.  It's also a big motivator for me as I'm shedding the baby weight.
Okay, so I thought this was it, and then saw a box from power-systems at one of the clubs.  It was full of fun looking goodies.  I then spied the catalog and spent oodles of time drooling over the equipment I would love to add to my repertoire.  They are adding a TRX suspension trainer!!!!!  I can't wait.  Unfortunately, I do not have a place at home that would be suitable for this.  Anyway, a girl can dream...