Friday, March 12, 2010

Finding Hidden Treasures

The kids and I had quite a trip yesterday.  After schooling in the morning, I decided a field trip was in order.  A quick stop at Bagels Forever (yummmmm) and then on to St. Vincent dePaul's on Williamson Street.  What a great place for a treasure hunt!
Though we were unable to explore the whole store (the boys were cranky), we did spend over an hour in the book section.  What fun!  We found amazing homeschool books and curriculum, a cool Dragonology book for fun, lots of books for me to read and books for the kids.  By the time I was done hunting, the kids has amassed quite a pile of books and were happily reading them.  Narrowing down our piles was incredibly difficult and we still left with an entire box full of books (think copy paper sized box) and a nice dent in my wallet.
I encourage you to take a quick tour of your local thrift stores to search for the hidden treasures.  You might be surprised by the gems you find... and you'll be helping great organizations too!

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